Things I Heard In Church: “Can you believe what Comcast did to me?”

Referring to the synagogue ruler who was indignant because Jesus healed on the Sabbath:

“The NIV says that he is indignant. The word in Greek means like: really super annoyed. He’s an angry elf. He’s a super annoyed guy, and so what does he do? He tries to get everybody as annoyed as him. This is what anger does when it gets ahold of us. When you’re really hacked at something, what do you do? Everybody else should be as hacked as I am! ‘Can you believe what Comcast did to me?’ You go tell everybody.”

Maybe my all-time favorite Matt Bowen teaching to date: 2/14/2016, You’re Free, Luke 13:10-21

2 Comments on “Things I Heard In Church: “Can you believe what Comcast did to me?”

    • So true! One time I heard a man say that rather than complaining about others, it’s better to talk to God about people, and to talk to people about God. For me that helps to at least reduce my negative comments. He’s there for us to unload our burdens.

      Thanks for sharing Cynthia.

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