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Keeping Cool

Has anyone seen the story about the off duty police detective who drew his gun at a snowball fight? Check out the video:

Sunday night (12/20/09) on 60 minutes I listened to a telephone answering machine message from Alec Baldwin — he was unloading on his teenage daughter. His embarrassment and humiliation were painfully obvious as I watched him try to explain why he lost his cool. Teenage daughters or unruly crowds can bring us to a point of frustration where we may be tempted to unload.

Can you think of a scripture that supports the idea of keeping your cool?

Updated information below added at 2145, 12/21/09

OK, I can’t take it anymore. I’ve read some articles on this snowball situation and I think that everyone I’ve read is missing it. The detective blew it, yes, definitely. There is no way a cop should pull out his gun because he was provoked by a group of snowballers, I mean, that’s obvious right? The guy lost his cool and now he’ll pay for it with discipline from his police department and, most painful of all, a large smudge on a good long career as a peace officer. He was wrong.

The other side of this thing though, is that the snowballers themselves were also way out of line. As a leader in my organization I used to run some of the behavior of my firefighters through the teenage son test. That is, when I thought one of the firefighters perhaps did something stupid I’d ask myself, “Would either of my two teenage sons do something this dopey?” If I could answer no, then I knew for certain that the behavior was out of line. I would think that most of us would have grown out of throwing snowballs at vehicles by the time we were out of junior high school. Throwing snowballs at a man with a gun in his hand is, well, that’s beyond my comprehension. That – was – incredibly – stupid! Disrespecting a police officer — also stupid, and behavior that I would describe as, small minded. The snowballers: also wrong.

As for the scripture, two come to mind, both from James.

For the snowballers consideration: James 3:17, 18 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.

And for the detective: James 1:19, 20  Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

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