Love Like Jesus — Magnify His Message: Luke 5:1-3

One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.

Luke 5:1-3

How Jesus Loved People

Jesus loved people enough to find a way to magnify His message, so more could hear His words of eternal life.

The way Jesus did it was to sit in Simon’s boat, a little way off shore, so the water could carry the sound out to the crowd still on land. In that way He could reach more people than if He had remained on shore with the crowd pressing against Him.

How to Love Like Jesus

I remember when I started this blog a few years ago. For the first six months or so my numbers were unbelievably skinny — I’m talking anorexic. There was one month in particular when I averaged around 14 page views per day. Around that time I started asking myself, “Why am I doing this?” I thought to myself, “What’s the point of magnifying Christ’s message if no one is listening?” But then I prayed about it — and the Lord showed me a few things…

1) From the beginning, a few of my family members have read this blog. The Lord showed me, even if they were the only ones influenced for God’s kingdom, wasn’t that alone worth the time and effort? Do I love these family members? Do I care about them? If I do, then why wouldn’t I want them to be influenced to draw closer to Christ?

2) Even at 14 page views, even if only say 4 out of the 14 per day actually read through a blog post, after a year that’s more than 1,400 instances when God used me to influence someone for His kingdom! Isn’t that more fruit than I would have born had I not blogged at all?

3) Obedience. Regardless of what happens with the numbers, God’s Holy Spirit has directed me to write these blog posts, so I must do it.

4) What about me? Even if not a single soul read a single word on this blog, I can tell you, I’m blessed, I’m influenced, I’m transformed every time I write a blog post. Many times, I’m the one who needs to hear the message the most.

So don’t remain on shore. Prayerfully consider taking steps to magnify your ability to share Jesus’ words of eternal life. Even if it means only reaching a few more people than you reach now.

Of course if you have the gift to do so, you can speak publicly, with a PA system to reach more people with Jesus’ message. But if that’s not you’re thing, there’s good news. Today there’s a myriad of ways to magnify Christ’s message. You can tweet. You can start your own Youtube channel. You can share on Pinterest. You can share on Facebook or Google+. I even know a Christian lady who started her own radio program.

Or, you can start a blog. In fact, if you want to start a blog or write a book for the purpose of sharing Jesus, shoot me an email at and I’ll be happy to help you.

The great commission given to us by Jesus wasn’t just for pastors, preachers, and priests. It was for all of His believers. “Follow me, and I’ll make you fishers of men,” Jesus said. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” Jesus commanded. (Matthew 4:19, Matthew 28:19-20)

So prayerfully consider expanding your capability to share Jesus’ message.

And if there’s anything I can do to help, please email me.

The Holy Spirit may be providing you with an opportunity right now.

Don’t wait.

Leave the shore.

Related Links:

Bible Gateway

Francis Chan: Simon Says

Sharing the Gospel

How to Start a Blog on WordPress


I realize some may not have much experience sharing Jesus Christ with others. So below I’ve included a few simple thoughts about evangelism I hope you’ll find helpful. I want to thank the people over at GodLife for their great resource on the topic: Sharing the Gospel.


Pray God will bring people to you, people you can lead to Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you recognize opportunities and to give you the words to say. And pray for the people God has put in your life to come to know Jesus.


Just showing people God’s love, even in small ways, can move people toward Christ. You know I’ve found family members to be among the hardest people to talk with about the Lord. I used to argue with them about God and I can tell you, nothing good came from those arguments. It took years, but after finally recognizing the futility of debating (I know, I’m a slow learner) I finally started to focus on looking for opportunities to show them God’s love. Within a few years two of them gave their lives to Jesus.

Ask Questions

Ask questions like these to move their mind toward the eternal:

What three words would you use to describe your life?

What do you think happens after we die?

Who or what is God to you?

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your desire to know God?

What do you know about Jesus?


Share your own experience with Jesus.

Talk about what your life was like before Jesus was a part of it.

Talk about what your life has been like since you’ve asked Jesus in.

Look for opportunities to share your own story about how Jesus has changed you. For me, one on one encounters seem to work out best.


Ask them if they want to invite Jesus into their life and then ask them to pray with you. Pray along these lines: “Jesus, I am a sinner. I need You to be my savior. I accept the work You did for me on the cross when You paid for my sins. Please come into my life. I want to follow You, no matter what.”

Tell them there’s nothing special about the words in that prayer but the important thing is that they’ve opened up their heart and invited Jesus in.

Then help them find a Bible to read, and a church to attend.

I’m no evangelist believe me. But with God’s help, I have had the privilege of leading a few people to the Lord.

If I can do it, you can too.

3 Comments on “Love Like Jesus — Magnify His Message: Luke 5:1-3

  1. This is an amazing post Kurt because you don’t have to be a preacher to spread the word. Everyones story of being saved by Jesus can lead more people to want to be saved! God bless brother!

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