Love Like Jesus–Encourage and Commend: Matthew 11:11

encourage, commend, compliment

Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist… -Matthew 11:11

How Jesus Loved People

Jesus loved people by commending them publicly. Here in Matthew 11 we see Jesus commend John the Baptist publicly. Jesus commended the faith of the formerly blind Bartimaeus when he said, “Go, your faith has healed you.” (Mark 10:54) Jesus commended the woman who anointed his feet with perfume when he said, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Jesus commended Peter when Peter called him the Messiah, he said, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah…” (Matthew 16:17) And on, and on it goes.

Jesus commended people–often.

How to Love Like Jesus

Lighten up.

Encourage, commend, and even–dare I say it–compliment people. Do it today, just for today, focus on commending and encouraging.

Jesus did.

You can too.

Let your conversation be always full of grace… -Colossians 4:6

[Image via Paul L Dineen, Creative Commons]

4 Comments on “Love Like Jesus–Encourage and Commend: Matthew 11:11

  1. Does this verse mean that Peter’s genealogy was literally from the house of Jonah” “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah…”

    If so, I can see the personality similarities between Jonah and Peter.

    • That is such a great question Adam, the answer to which I can’t find. You’ve inspired my curiosity. I’ll look some more. If you find anything that sheds light on your question, I hope you’ll share it with me.

  2. Good job Kurt. I love your blogs 🙂 Mother Bee

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