Go Measure the Heavens

Why is Christianity so restrictive

Bow Shock Around LL Orionis (spans trillions of kilometers) – Hubble Telescope Image


Go measure the heavens, go weigh the mountains on a scale, go take the ocean’s water and number each drop, go count the sand on the sea’s wide shore, and when you have accomplished this, you still won’t know how much God loves you. (Spurgeon)


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C.H. Spurgeon, Spurgeon’s Sermons on Jesus and the Holy Spirit, 2006, Hendrickson Publishers, p. 399

6 Comments on “Go Measure the Heavens

  1. No kidding…………my brain gets tired just trying to wrap around His existence!
    Jud 1:24 Now, to the one who can keep you from falling and set you without defect and full of joy in the presence of his Sh’khinah —
    Jud 1:25 to God alone, our Deliverer, through Yeshua the Messiah, our Lord — be glory, majesty, power and authority before all time, now and forever. Amen.

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