Do This In 2015 And See What Happens

bible study new years resolution 2015Life And Growth vs. Lifeless Rearrangment

Living things grow and change. A redwood tree begins as a seed in the ground. Then it grows, it changes, it transforms into a noble conifer more than 300 feet tall. An eagle begins as an egg. Then it grows, changes, and transforms into a great bird who can see what others can’t, and can soar where others aren’t capable.

Things without life don’t grow. They don’t transform. Things without life, they just rearrange. A sand dune shifts its shape in the wind. The waters of a flood are really just waters rearranged. Even an avalanche, as awe-inspiring as it may be, is just rearrangement. It’s not alive.

But you are.

Do this in 2015:

Yet even though we’re alive, we sometimes fall into the lifeless pattern of rearrangement. And that’s not really living. Make this year different. Make this year better. Choose to live in 2015. Grow. And change. Explore God’s words in the Bible every day. Even if it’s just a little bit each day. Read through His whole book, and read a little from the gospels every day.

Then apply what you discover.

Become someone who actually studies and follows the words of Jesus Christ.

Just try it.

Try it, and see what God does in your life in 2015.

“…one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.” But He (Jesus) said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” Luke 11:27-28


You can find reading plans here:

and here:

I also like what what my friend Ani Ma’amin says about following Jesus. You can read about it here: The New Year’s Resolution No One Is Talking About

Image via Rushay Booysen – Creative Commons

3 Comments on “Do This In 2015 And See What Happens

  1. This is a great exhortation, Kurt! I have been doing the One Year Bible reading plan for the last 4 years and it has been such a blessing. Thanks for this great encouragement for everyone 🙂

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